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We help local area restaurants out by rallying with them as a community.

We share positive posts about our local restaurants and businesses because we care!

We Create Fundraiser Initiatives to support our local community and non-profit organizations

We get all types of businesses involved to help support our community.

We support our DeKalb County and Chicagoland community area, so your information is safe with us.

What is it in it for you?

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What is it in it for you?

Discover Delicious Eats!

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Sign up to Win Giveaways via Facebook, Email, or Text.

What is it in it for you?

DeKalb County Foodies

Chicagoland Foodies

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Discover more about our Local Restaurants

We share our local restaurants on our Facebook Page, Instagram, and TikTok.

There are a lot of great things that our restaurants in DeKalb County area has to offer. DeKalb County has great coffee places, Mexican, Greek, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese, American, Italian and more!

Our goal is to support our restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, breweries, pubs, and bars through our Facebook Group, Instagram, TikTok and our Local Foodie Nation Facebook Page.

We also love to rally with others who love restaurants in and around DeKalb County and the Chicagoland Area

Special thanks to our sponsor, Rapid Biz Solutions for making this all possible!

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DeKalb County Restaurants Facebook Group
DeKalb County Restaurants Facebook Group